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New lighting system of part of the production area

At the end of October, we installed a new LED lighting system in part of the production hall (3rd and 4th rows of machines), significantly increasing the light comfort for employees at this workplace. The original lighting of the hall, which used 10 sodium lamps in combination with local lighting of the production operator's working area using fluorescent tubes, was replaced by 29 LED emitters that illuminate the entire space of the production hall.

A properly lit workplace is important for employees' work both in terms of requirements for visual inspection of products and for their overall orientation in the workplace (minimizing the risk of possible work injuries).  

At the same time, the change in lighting technology generates electricity savings, where lights are switched on 24/7 until the arrival of the summer months (and then also on night shifts) will bring significant cost savings.

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IČO: 45357072

DIČ/VAT: CZ45357072


Plastik HT a.s.

náměstí Republiky 1078/1

110 00  Praha 1

Czech Republic


The company is registered in the Commercial register at the Municipal Court in Prague, Section B, Insert No. 16594


Plastik HT a.s.
Masarykova 194
346 01  Horšovský Týn
Czech Republic

GPS: 49.5372314N, 12.9259550E

OPEN: MO – FRI: 6:00 – 16:00

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